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All our little resin kits, sorted by number
White resin, 4 pcs. Suited for half scale and quarter scale too.
Resin cans in 1:12. 4pcs.
1:12 white resin, 4pcs.
1:12, 4 cans in white resin.
Eight tiny tealights, white resin.
Drie gnomes met konijne-oortjes. Witte resin om zelf te beschilderen.
12 Paaseitjes. Witte resin om zelf te beschilderen. Zo groot als een kippenei, maar dan in 1:12.
Zes precies geschaalde cupcakes met bloemen. Diameter wrapper is 5.8mm. Witte resin om zelf te beschilderen.
Four white resin Waffles in Brussels style. Painting is easily done with acrylic paint.
Four white resin Waffles in Luik style. Painting is easily done with acrylic paint.
Two white resin baskets. Painting is easily done with acrylic paint.